Announcement: New Stamping Techniques Book Coming Soon!

Hi friends,

Things have been pretty busy around here lately—I’ve been working on a Stamping Techniques book for Bella Crafts Publishing and I’ve been full-force planning, designing (and re-designing in some cases!), writing and photographing. (In between school holidays… there were way too many in May!)

The book is scheduled for release this summer as an e-book with print-on-demand option, so you can access it however suits your style. (Personally, I’m a printed-book kind of gal.)

So what’s it all about? Well, we’ll cover the basics like different types of ink, how to use a stamp positioner, plus a few of my favorite must-know techniques. Then we’ll jump into stamping projects, featuring everything from coloring and layered stamping to stenciling and die cutting. And there’s so much more!

Want to see a few behind-the-scenes peeks at the process?

First, whenever I do a book, I need to have it spread out so I can see what I’ve got and where it will go. Should stenciling come before layered stamping? Where does embossing fit? So Anna wrote the book page numbers on paper and set them out in double-page spreads all over the living room floor. (Remember, school vacation days…) Yes, this meant we had to step around everything whenever we used the living room but it also gave me a bird’s-eye view of the layout and meant we had an excuse not to vacuum.

Stamping techniqes book Bella Crafts

Once I got all the projects laid out (and rearranged a time or two!) then it’s into the binder they go, along with instructions and step photo ideas.

Stamping techniques book Bella Crafts

So, what stamps am I using in the book? Well, I’m focusing on two different kinds of cling stamps: One is clear photopolymer, like those from Altenew (there’s a LOT of Altenew in the book!).

Stamping techniqes book Bella Crafts

The other is rubber on EZ mount, like my PaperArtsy stamps. (There’s a LOT of PaperArtsy in the book, too!)

Stamping techniqes book Bella Crafts

Want a few sneak peeks? Well, okay then. 🙂

Stamping techniqes book Bella Crafts

Stamping techniqes book Bella Crafts

Stamping techniqes book Bella Crafts

As you can see, I’m pretty excited for this book to come together so I can share it with you. I’ll keep you posted on my progress as we get closer to the release date. In the meantime, you might check out Bella Crafts magazine; this is a free e-magazine produced by the same company that will publish the book. I design for it regularly and it’s packed with fun projects and ideas.

See you next week!

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